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Hey Crow
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Hey Crow
Hey, crow, tell me who I am?
Hangman with a rope, with blood on my hands,
Hey, crow, who's marching with the drums
Searching for revenge, and what is the prize?

Hey, man, I'll tell you what I learned:
A man is a leaf in the eye of a bird.
There's a tombstone waiting for your name,
From the eye of a bird that's all what you have.

Girls for soldiers, innocent kids will be slaves,
A brave man for black birds,
Those are the rules of the game,
Rules of the game.

Hey, man, tell me what you learned:
A hate is a seed, but what is the tree?
There's a tombstone waiting for your name,
From the eye of a bird that's all what you have.

Girls for soldiers, innocent kids will be slaves,
A brave man for black birds,
Those are the rules of the game.

In the eye of a bird it's all what you have,
Hey man, hey man,
Those are the rules of the game,
Those are the rules of the game.

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