Informacije o Hrvatskoj / Information on Croatia
Specifications Site Link(s)
Informacija Općenito / General Information
Hrvatski etnički institut
Croatian Ethnic Institute
, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Croatian Ethnic Institute
Općenite informacije o Hrvatskoj
Basic Facts About Croatia
Hrvatski English
Hrvatski Svijetski Kalendar
Croatian World
Hrvatski English
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About Croatia, Croatia
Travel, Tourist and Country Guide to Croatia
About Croatia
kroatie info
kroatie info
Information for first-time Croatia travellers.
Nederlands Deutsch
Croatia Report
Tourism, food, photos, videos, news summary, language, sports
Croatia Report
Hrvatska.Hu Hrvatska.Hu
Opće informacije o Hrvatskoj
General information about Croatia
Hrvatski Deutsch Magyar
Svenska Slovenčina Nederlands
Français Italiano English
Svaki kilometar Hrvatske
Edukativno-pustolovni projekt: digitalno fotografiranje Hrvatske
Svaki kilometar Hrvatske
Lonely Planet World Guide: Croatia Lonely Planet: Croatia
Search Europe: Croatia Country guide
Important information about Croatia for the traveller.
Search Europe: Croatia Country guide
Discover Croatia
Links and information about Croatia.
Discover Croatia
Croatia Paradise
Croatia paradise is an informative site about the country of Croatia.
Croatia Paradise
InfoPlease: Information on Croatia Information on Croatia
Croatian geography and facts Geography and facts Croatia information
Information compiled from the USA CIA World Factbooks, the United Nations Statistical Office, The Library of Congress Country Studies and other sources.
1995 1996 1997
1998 1999 2000
2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006
2007 2008
Country information from
Atlapedia Online: Croatia Atlapedia Online: Croatia
U.S. Department of State Human Rights Report For Croatia for 1997. U.S. DoS Human Rights Report, 1997.
La Croacia
Spanish page of Croatia. / Información y turismo
La Croacia
Croatia: Information Introduction
Information from the 2000 World Fact Book.
Croatia: Information Introduction
CIA Facts on Croatia
Most current information from the World Factbook.
CIA Facts on Croatia
Croatia: CIA World Factbook
Information in the Factbook made by Mario Profaca.
1998 1996
US State Department Notes on Croatia (1999) US State Department: Croatia
Republic of Croatia
Entry at
Republic of Croatia
Croatia Croatia
Pages about traveling to Croatia, interesting places, prices, etc. ONLY IN CZECH LANGUAGE / pouze v ceskem jazyce.
Croatia: Population Information
Information from the World Fact Book.
1999 2000
Informacija na španjolskom jeziku o hrvatskom turizmu i Hrvatskoj općenito.
People of Croatia
Statistical information on the inhabitants of Croatia.
People of Croatia
Croatia: Transportation
Information from the World Fact Book.
1999 2000
Transportation in Croatia
A look at Croatia's transportation infrastructure.
Transportation in Croatia
Croatia: Communication
Information from the World Fact Book.
1999 2000
Communications in Croatia
Information on Croatia's television, radio, and telephone capacities.
Communications in Croatia
Croatia: Military
Information from the World Fact Book.
1999 2000
Croatian Defense
Croatia's Defense systems.
Croatian Defense
Croatia: Trans-National Issues
Information from the World Fact Book.
1999 2000
Bosnia and Herzegovina & Croatia Information.
Hrvatski jezik i abeceda / The Croatian Language and Alphabet
Učite hrvatski / Learn Croatian
Teška lingvistika, Hrvatska
Teška lingvistika se bavi jezičnim zanimljivostima, u prvom redu onima koje se odnose na hrvatski jezik. Na stranicama se mogu pronaći autorski članci, jezične karte i ostalo.
Teška lingvistika
Digital Dialects: Croatian
Games that help you learn Croatian.
Digital Dialects
Basic Phrases for Eastern European Languages - Croatian
Enough Croatian to get by in the country for about 20 minutes. ;-)
Croatian Phrases
Croatian Language
A good entry point to learning about how to read and write the language
English Russki
Croatian Language: The Croatian Alphabet
The Croatian language employs the Latin (or Roman) alphabet.
English Russki
Croatian Language Resources
The site contains very useful information on Croatian language, its history, many links as well as Croatian/Swedish dictionary.
Croatian Language
The Croatian Dictionary
Croatian language is easily pronounced because a letter always has the same pronounciation no matter where it may occur. It should be noted that Croatian language is strictly phonetic, every word being pronounced exactly as it is spelt.
The Croatian Dictionary
Learn-Croatian is the best site for free online learning of Croatian language!
Foreign Languages for Travelers
TravLang Text only
Languages of Croatia
A look at some the ethnologically based languages spoken in Croatia.
Languages of Croatia
About the Croatian Language About Croatian
Povijest Hrvatskog jezika
History of the Croatian language

Pregled povijesti i ustroja hrvatskoga jezika
Hrvatski Deutsch English
Riječi i rječnici / Word lists and Dictionaries
European dictionary
A collection of several online dictionaries for languages spoken in European Community or in countries that will become members of European Community.
European dictionary
Englesko hrvatski rječnik
Croatian-English Dictionary

Besplatni rječnik sa preko 113 000 unosa, a svakim danom ih je više! Pomognite i Vi u nastajanju ovog najvećeg on-line HR-EN rječnika!
Hrvatski English
EH dictionary - rječnik
Englesko hrvatski web rječnik
EH dictionary - rječnik
Englesko hrvatski rječnik
English to Croatian dictionary
Hrvatski English
Hrvatsko-Engleski rječnik
Croatian-English dictionary
Hr-Eng rječnik
englesko hrvatski, njemačko hrvatski, talijansko hrvatski, francusko hrvatski...
Njemačko Hrvatski, Hrvatsko Njemački Rječnik
Hrvatski Deutsch
Besplatni rječnik. Engleski, njemački, hrvatski, slovenski, španjolski, francuski i talijanski rječnik.
Njemačko hrvatski i englesko hrvatski rječnik s više od 500.000 unosa
Hrvatski Deutsch English
Orangoo Spell Check
Spell checker in 27 languages, including Croatian!
Orangoo Spell Check
!mojrječnik, Zagreb
MojRječnik - besplatni on-line rječnik
Domaće riči
Na web stranici Udruge studenata Cetinske krajine
Domaće riči
Englesko-hrvatsko-engleski rječnik / Online English-Croatian-English dictionary
Hrvatski English
Croatian Word List
This is a list of 28,000 Croatian words collected in early 1994 from Hrvatski-Vjesnik, a listserver for Croatian news in America.
Croatian Word List
Dictionary of Dentistry
Prevedite stomatološku terminologiju između hrvatski, engleski i njemački jezik. / Translate dental terminology between Croatian, English and German.
Dictionary of Dentistry
Glagoljici i Čirilica / Glagolitic and Cyrillic
Croatian Glagolitic Script
The Croatian Glagolitic alphabet has a long and interesting history of more than a thousand years.
Croatian Glagolitic Script
The Architecture of the Croatian Glagolitic Script
There is no doubt that anonymous creators of the Croatian Glagolitic Script were influenced by pre-Romanesque architecture.
Architecture of Glagolitic
Facsimiles of Croatian glagolic books Croatian glagolic books
Popis najvaznijih glagoljskih spomenika Najvažniji glagoljski spomenici
Glagoljski fontovi Glagoljski fontovi
Utipkajte nešto u latinici da vidite kako izgleda u glagoljici.
Croatian Cyrillic Script
Croatian Cyrillic Script goes back to the 12th century and lasted continuously until the 18th century, with sporadic uses even in the 20th century.
Croatian Cyrillic

Očišćeno / Cleaned: 20.XI.2008.