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Opet se škripje zubima,
i s ove i s one strane,
I opet se žuri ljudima,
da siđu na niske grane.
I ko me to stavlja u red,
veže mi zvonce za vrat,
i kaže:
ili si njihov ili si naš,
druge nemaš.
Drži me ljube za riječ,
ja ne dižem ruke od nas,
Jer treba mi ljubav
da ostanem zdrav
Druge nemam

Ain't no matter where you're from, cause you're here with me
Ain't no matter how you got here – air or sea
See, we're all here together now, hand in hand,
And we're trying to make it better now, man to man
Face to face, can we erase the racism, with one voice chase the rhythm
And all VIPs will need to give
Cause we're all tryin' to eat, sleep, breathe and live
Spread love

Kako da ljudi nauče
i da im pod kožu uđe,
kada se ljubi domaće
da se ne mrzi tuđe
U meni ne postoji bijes
u tebi ne postoji strah
Treba mi ljubav da ostanem zdrav
Druge nemam
Drži me ljube za riječ,
ja ne dižem ruke od nas,
Jer treba mi ljubav
da ostanem zdrav
Druge nemam
Druge nemam
Treba mi ljubav da ostanem zdrav
Druge nemam

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