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Lying in my bed
Feeling very sad
Thinking whether to die
Or to masturbate

Looking for a blade
Want to make an end
I would like to cut my veins
But I am too afraid

The only thing I really
need Is something tough and masculine
Nice brave guys in uniforms
And comrade ship in easy wars

Watching MTV
Feeling like a creep
many tons of tits and ass
And nothing is for me

Oh, how much I despise
All those sleezy, smiling guys
Always knowing what is "in"
And what to eat to be slim

The only thing I really need
To improve my self-esteem
Is an enemy, and rifle and some thing to fight for
Enemy, and rifle and some thing to fight for

Impossible it seems
That they are human beings
I wonder if they ever had
To shoot or take a leak
Hladno Pivo

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