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Delirium tremens [Eng]
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Delirium tremens [Eng]
She is 19, sixty-ninety, every move she make is party
O my, o my, my camarera
She works in the pub, is waitress, in her life I have no chances
O my, o my, my camarera

O o she left me only herpes
O o and delirium tremens

O jo jo jo jo jo jo, o jo jo joj
Viva la noce, viva vodka, tekila
O jo jo jo jo jo jo, o jo jo joj
Aj chicka, chicka, we are drinking guerilla

I am bike and she's Range Rover, I'm constantly in hangover
O my, o my, my camarera
Because of her I'm so high, and before my time dead drunk
O my, o my, my camarera

O o she left me only herpes
O o and delirium tremens
Tonči Huljić & Madre Badessa i Petar Grašo

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