Comments for CroLinks

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Odakle ste culi za CroLinks?
Where did you hear about CroLinks?

Koje ogledalo CroLinksa ste posjetili?
Which mirror of CroLinks did you visit? Canada (IGS) Croatia (PtfOs) USA (Cronet)
Canada (Crosswinds) Croatia (Iridis) USA (Geocities)

Zasto najcesce dolazite na CroLinks?
What do you come to CroLinks for most often?

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Web Dirs Uncategorized Cro Graphics Read Guestbook Everything!
Sto hocete da dodamo CroLinksu?
What do you want us to add to CroLinks?

Ne slazem se
Slazem se    
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It is easy to get to CroLinks
Lako je doci do CroLinks
It is easy to find things inCroLinks
Lako je naci stvari na CroLinks
Everything is well organized, information in tables is well laid out
Sve je dobro organizirano, informacije u tablima je u dobar format
Site is up-to-date
Stranice se cesto obnavljaju
Frame layout is ideal for this site
Izlozba u frameovima je najprilagodnija za ovu web-stranicu
I find this site very useful
Ova stranica mi je vrlo korisna
I often refer people to CroLinks
Ja cesto ljude saljem na CroLinks
The webmaster has put a lot of work into this page
Urednik je ulozio mnogo truda u ovim stranicama
When I'm looking for Croatian sites, I check CroLinks first
Kad trazim nesto Hrvatsko na internetu, najprije gledam u CroLinks


Ako hocete dodajte komentare, pitanja, ili druge informacije ovdje.
Add any additional comments, questions, or information here.